Thursday, September 4, 2008

Florence (Day 2)

Tuesday September 2nd @ 9:30 am

Our first stop is the Accedemia. This building houses most famously,
the David but also has other works by Michael Angelo as well as
Musical Instrument room (violins from Antonio Stratovari, pianoforte
from Bartolomei Cristofori), a plaster cast room (created before
marble piece was sculpted), and several paintings.

I never realized the David was so big .... height wise. You can kind
of guage how tall he is by making reference to the people near the

We learned that David came from a piece of marble that was worked on
by two other sculptors. The piece was originally going to be used as
part of a column in a church. Each of the other sculptors refused the
piece saying it had too many lines and imperfections that they could
not continue their work. From that same stone Mikey made David in 1504.

Also, David's left arm ( the one with the sling) was broken off on a
riot in 1527. Standing next to it you can see the lines where it was

All in all he is quite the looker, the detail in his arms and hands is
striking, you can even see the veins.

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