Sunday, September 21, 2008

Inside San Giacomo Church

As mentioned, this church dates back to the 12 century. There are actually two churches, San Margherita which was built first and was covered with frescoes. Later San Giacamo was built and is actually on top of a the crypt of San Margherita.
Inside there are the remaining preserved frescoes and the old crucifix.
The location of this church was actually built atop catacombs which date back to the 3rd and 4th century AD where early Christians buried their dead. Once the cult of Christianity was accepted and promoted by Constantine the first church was built. People still continued to bring their dead into the crypt (in funerary urns) and there were remains of bones and ash found in the walls of the chapel. There was no cemetary at the time.

My Mom tells me the story of when she was 14 that there was a cerem0ny whereby all of the bones that were in the crypt were brought to the village cemetary. She even remembers when they opened the tomb of the last "queen". She still had a watch on and was buried with a book.

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